Java mac os x 10.10
Java mac os x 10.10

I recommend you to use Zekr from the DMG file that I linked to in my last email, with your new user, then see if the recitation works. Exception in thread "main" Īt 0(Native Method)Īt (Īt (Īt .invoke(Īt .run(Īt .main(Ĭaused by: : Exception in Application start methodĪt .LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(Īt .LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication$152(Īt .LauncherImpl$$Lambda$2/n(Unknown Source)Ĭaused by: : Cannot load .mainĪt .FXMLView.loadSynchronously(Īt .FXMLView.initializeFXMLLoader(Īt .FXMLView.getView(Īt .start(Īt .LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication1$159(Īt .LauncherImpl$$Lambda$53/n(Unknown Source)Īt .PlatformImpl.lambda$runAndWait$172(Īt .PlatformImpl$$Lambda$49/n(Unknown Source)Īt .PlatformImpl.lambda$null$170(Īt .PlatformImpl$$Lambda$51/n(Unknown Source)Īt (Native Method)Īt .PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$171(Īt .PlatformImpl$$Lambda$50/n(Unknown Source)Īt .InvokeLaterDispatcher$n(Ĭaused by: : Error resolving onAction='#actionOpen', either the event handler is not in the Namespace or there is an error in the script.įile:/target/!/main/analyzer.jar!/skadistats/clarity/analyzer/main/main.fxml:26Īt (Īt $100(Īt $Element.processEventHandlerAttributes(Īt $ValueElement.processEndElement(Īt (Īt (Īt (Īt (Īt .FXMLView.loadSynchronously(FXMLView. I remember people had issues with recitations with older version of swt.jar while running Zekr on newer OS X versions, although I cant reproduce your issue on my end, on 10.10.4.

Java mac os x 10.10