Laravel php 5.2
Laravel php 5.2

laravel php 5.2

'auth' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate::class, Open app/Http/kernel.php and add the HandleCors class to $routeMiddleware like this: protected $routeMiddleware = [ 'allowedMethods' => ,// ex: įor allowedOrigins the value can either be which indicated that the origin of request can be from any domain, or an array of specific domains which can be the origins that we will allow to send request to our api, like this Īnd also allowedMethods can either be or a list of allowed HTTP verbs for instance | allowedOrigins, allowedHeaders and allowedMethods can be set to array('*') Step 3 The command ran in step 2 will copy a cors.php file to config directory, which looks like this: Step 2 Releasing vendor files of the library: php artisan vendor:publish -provider="Barryvdh\Cors\ServiceProvider"


Step 1 Install it: composer require barryvdh/laravel-cors If you want to restrict access, you can add outbound rules: īarryvdh/laravel-cors middleware library, can be used to fix the problem(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). I ended up setting the headers in the web.config file and now CORS works without hacking the routes.php file. It would be nice to get this working without a hack. Header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type' )

laravel php 5.2

I've added this to the top of my routes.php file: header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *')

laravel php 5.2

If I take out the Authorization header option the request works.Ĭlearly not the ideal solution but it WORKS. Laravel route: $router->group(, function ($router) ] Header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading

Laravel php 5.2